Today's economic, technological, and cultural environment forces all organizations to compete aggressively. For-profits, non-profits, philanthropies, and institutions must constantly strive to maximize resources, retain customers, and refine strategies for success. Industry and economic development strategies present comparable challenges. At the same time, the complexity and fluidity of this environment demand new, nimble, and flexible ways of thinking. Creative solutions to complex and dynamic problems are required for durable results. dba's approach to management consulting combines a fierce advocacy for its clients' competitive success, with world-class business and technical skills and creative problem-solving techniques developed in the arts, psychology, and other fields. Our associates individually combine these elements, and our practice is informed by them. Each dba solution is unique, and uniquely well-suited to each client's problem. Samples of non-confidential work, references, and further information are available on request; and you may also check back here for new developments. As a client, your first experience with dba will convince you that there is indeed an art to good business, and a winning "Art of War."
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